Back by PAWpular demand… our virtual Halloween Costume Contest is back!
Check out what our resident kitties decided to dress up as, and choose your favorite costume.
$5 for one vote, $10 for 3 votes, or $20 for 10 votes. Each vote gets you entry into our drawing for our Le Cat Café Raffle Basket which includes a free one-year membership, cat goodies, toys, and more!
Plus, 100% of your vote proceeds will go towards the care of the cats. We have a lot of mouths to feed!
How to vote:
1. Review all the cuties in their costumes below. You can vote for as many cats, as many times as you want.
2. Votes can be purchased in single ($5), triple ($10) or bundle of 10 ($20).
3. Click here to buy your votes (be sure to scroll to the Halloween Photo Contest option)
4. Once you’ve purchased your vote(s), email to indicate which cats you want your votes to go towards.
Photography: Dan Barends