Stray Cat Assistance

Thank you for reaching out to Green Street Rescue and Le Cat Café.  We appreciate your concern for the health and welfare of the cat or cats that you are contacting us about.  We are currently at capacity and are not taking in cats.  You may want to also try PAWS, Forgotten Cats or Main Line Rescue.

For low cost spay/neuter you can try:

Exceptions may be made for pregnant cat or kittens, please email directly.

Please note it’s illegal to abandon an animal, even if it’s in front of our café: 
(1) A person commits an offense if he wantonly or cruelly illtreats, overloads, beats, otherwise abuses any animal, or neglects any animal as to which he has a duty of care, whether belonging to himself or otherwise, or abandons any animal, or deprives any animal of necessary sustenance, drink, shelter or veterinary care, or access to clean and sanitary shelter which will protect the animal against inclement weather and preserve the animal’s body heat and keep it dry.